About Me


My name is Guillermo Chumaceiro and I’m a Bioinformatician and Data Scientist based in Madrid, Spain.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV)
    • GPA: 9.1/10
    • Optimus award: Best student in the Experimental Sciences Faculty
  • Master’s degree in Computational Biology from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
    • GPA: 9.4/10



  • Programming languages: Python, R, SQL, Ruby, Swift.
  • Paradigms: Object oriented programming, functional programming.
  • Software architectures: Model-View-Controller (MVC), Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM).
  • Data Science: numpy, pandas, tidyverse
  • Visualization: matplotlib, seaborn, ggplot2
  • Machine learning/ Deep learning: scikit-learn, tensorflow.
  • Dashboards: streamlit
  • Other libraries: requests, Biopython, beautifulsoup


  • de novo/reference genome assembly
  • de novo/reference transcriptome assembly
  • Functional annotation
  • Metagenomics analysis
  • Variant Calling
  • Phylogenetic trees
  • ChimeraX


  • Machine Learning Specialization by Stanford University and Deeplearning.AI
  • Fundamentals of Computing 7-course specialization by Rice University
  • Algorithmic Toolbox by University of California, San Diego & Higher School of Economics
  • Data Structures by University of California, San Diego & Higher School of Economics