Hello World!

A bit of information about me

August 12, 2022 · 3 mins read

Hello World! My name is Guillermo Chumaceiro and I’m a Bioinformatician and Data Scientist based in Madrid, Spain.

I did my bachelor’s in Biotechnology and have a master’s degree in Computational Biology. As you may have guessed, I have a solid background in biology and life sciences. However, when I was 16 years old, I was introduced to the world of programming and fell in love with it instantly, and have never stopped learning since. I find it fascinating how we can extract knowledge from data that can lead to better decisions. That is one of the resons why I decided to specialize in the areas of Data Science and Machine Learning.

I’m highly skilled with Python, and have good knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms. I know how to code following object oriented programming (OOP) and functional programming. I know how to make scripts and also code using Jupyter notebooks. I have advanced knowledge of the most common libraries for:

  • Data science: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn
  • Machine learning: scikit-learn
  • Deep learning: tensorflow
  • Dashboards: streamlit
  • Other libraries: biopython, requests, beautifulsoup

I know how to code in R (using RStudio) to make statistical analysis and for data visualization. I’m try to program using the tidy conventions, as I consider them powerful and effective. I believe that visualization and storytelling are key skills for every Data Scientist, so I use tools like R Markdown, R Notebooks and Shiny apps to present results in a clear and useful manner.

I’m fond of IOS app development using Swift, UIKit and SwiftUI, so don’t be surprised if you see some apps in my portfolio. I have knowledge on reactive programming, and common software architecture patterns like Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM). I like to create apps that connects to API’s and show the most relevant data in a useful way for the user.

All this programming experience and my background in biology are what motivated me to start my career in the field of bioinformatics. My main interests are the analysis of omics data (genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics, microbiomics and metabolomics) and their integration (multi-omics). I want to apply these skills in multiple areas of human health, including infectious diseases, nutrition and cancer research. I’m specifically fond in the influence of the microbiome in health and disease in living organisms, be it humans or plants.

Not eveything is work for me. As you may have seen from the header picture, I love kitesurfing! I also play Ice Hockey. During my free time I like to read (huge Tolkien fan) and play electric bass. If I’m not working I’m probably spending quality time with my Frenchie, Nala.

I started this portfolio for two reasons:

  1. To showcase my programming/data science skills through projects, both personal and professional.
  2. As a personal project to document and keep track of my journey of software development, with hopes that I can help others that follow the same or similar paths.

I hope that you enjoy my journey and don’t hesitate to reach out.